Sunday, November 22, 2009

girls night in

One of my favorite fabulous femails recently hosted a craft evening in her home.... the art of knitting was the craft dejour .... there were many highlights to the get together not the least of which was a reminder of just how incredible women are and how much I love the creative energy when we spend time together.

Fran also schooled us on the art of hosting.... she had a space all set up for our evening of crafting...and imagine our delight when each of us had 'prizes' waiting for us.... she stunned us all with individualized hand-painted signs, calendars, socks and gloves....

These thoughtful touches really made a huge impact.  We were all simply delighted.....   We feasted on vegan delights AND we learned how to knit (I learned how to 'cable stitch' and knit on circular needles.... )  it just doesn't get any better.....

How do you show your friends appreciation?

...scatter joy...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That sounds like fun! I love giving surprising presents to friends. My cousin and my friend, Kathy, who were at the Craft Social with me are awesome friends. They always think about me and my kiddo. They'll have snacks for Jordan or treats. The other day I asked Kathy to pick Jordan up because my hubby and I both had things going on and she came over to our house and made spaghetti for us! I especially love anything handemade or baked!!


Please share you thoughts & ideas!