Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Awesome Autumn!

Yesterday and today were simply glorious... we've had a very wet and cold start to our fall this year and it must be said, Autumn is my favorite season... it always has been...so I felt overjoyed at the sunshine and blissful weather... and since I had the luxury of working from home today, Bax and I escaped to the lake for lunch today.....

I have no idea what I am going to do with all these beautiful leaves I brought back, but I needed the beauty of the season back home with me... and they were calling out to be part of a collage... if I come up with something fun, I'll post it here!

what is your favorite season?
...scatter joy...

1 comment:

  1. I love summer because...
    its the time of year I was born, the longer lighter nights, the slightly better weather, the full bloom of nature, people seem happy, I have holidays, the peacefulness in the air when your sat outside on a late night and the hum of people in the background....
    but in their own way I do like the other seasons, would just prefer summer to be longer :)


Please share you thoughts & ideas!